쉔부른 궁전에서 벨베데레 궁전으로 가는 전철을 갈아 탄 곳이 바로 오페라 극장 앞이더군요.
The transfer station to go to Belvedere Palace from Schonbrunn Palace was in front of Vienna Opera House.
Belvedere Palace (벨베데레 궁전)Opening Hours:
Upper Belvedere: Daily 9 am to 6 pm, Friday 9 am to 9 pm
Lower Belvedere/ Orangery: Daily 10 am to 6 pm, Friday 10 am to 9 pm
Palace Stables: Daily 10 am to noon
Tickets Types:
Belvedere Ticket: Upper & Lower Belvedere (Upper Belvedere: Permanent Collection, Gustav Klimt, Kiss, Current Exhibitions – This ticket is valid for 30 days after the first visit.)
3-Combi-Ticket (Combined Ticket Upper & Lower Belvedere and Belvedere 21. This ticket is valid for 30 days after the first visit)
Upper Belvedere (Permanent Collection, Marble Hall, Kiss)
Lower Belvedere (Special exhibitions, Orangery, Palace Stables)
Belvedere 21 (Museum of Contemporary Art)
벨베데레 궁전은 18세기 초 천재 군사 전략가인 오이겐 왕자의 여름 궁전으로 건축 되었습니다. 벨베데레은 상궁 (오이겐의 파티장)과 하궁(정원 빌라)으로 나뉘어져 있고 두 궁은 아름다운 꽃 정원으로 연결되어 있습니다. 이 궁들은 바로크 양식을 보여주는 세계 최대의 본보기 입니다. 유네스코 세계 문화유산 보호지역으로 지정되어있고 상궁은 오스트리아 전체에서 가장 중요한 미술품들을 저장하고 있는 미술관입니다. 오스트리아의 상징주의 화가인 구스타프 클림트 (Gustav Klimt)의 걸작인 “The Kiss” 등 그의 작품을 가장 많이 소유하고 있습니다. 하궁은 주제에 따라 변하는 특별 전시관으로 사용하고 있습니다.
The Belvedere palace was constructed in the early 18th century as the summer residence of the military genius, Prince Eugene. Belvedere is split into an Upper Palace (Eugene’s party house), and the Lower Palace (his garden villa) which are connected by the picturesque flower garden. The places are the best examples of Baroque architecture in the world. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the Upper Palace is a great art museum with the most important collection of art in the whole of Austria. The focal point is the world’s largest collection of work by Austrian symbolist painter Gustav Klimt, with the highlight being his decorative masterpiece called The Kiss. The Lower Belvedere features many temporary art exhibitions.
벨베데레 상궁 2층에서 내려다 본 하궁과 정원/Vieew of lower palace and garden from 2nd floor window of upper palace
직원이 조언해주기는 방문객들이 밀리기 전에 제일 먼저 이층에 있는 "The Kiss"를 구경하고 이층 왼쪽으로 구경하면서 3층을 구경한 다음 시간이 있으면 일층을 구경하라고 하더군요. 지내고 보니 아주 좋은 조언 이었습니다.
The staff suggested to start the tour with stop at The Kiss on the first floor because it could get very crowded. The picture taking with The Kiss is allowed, but the location is important to take a good picture. Then, proceed to the left side of the first floor, second floor and complete the visit on the ground floor if you have the time. We realized that it was very good recommendation. Also, the audio tour (3.50 Euro) is available. There is a free locker next to the restroom (free) in the basement, but some visitors were complaining about the smell after they retreated their belongings. The lower palace was closed when we visited.
키스/The Kiss
저녁에 비가 오기 시작하는 것이 저녁으로 뜨거운 국물을 먹었으며하여 한 식당을 찾았는데 가는 날이 장날이라고 문을 닫었더군요. 마침 길 건너편에 라면 집이 있어 갔는데 글쎄 30분 이상 기다려야한데네요. 유럽에서는 식당 예약 없이 밥 먹기 힘들다는 소리는 들었지만 세상에 식당엔 손님은 한사람도 없는데 기다리라니요... 길 모퉁이에 "Addicted to Rock" 이라는 식당을 발견했는데 술집 음식이 어떨까 좀 망설여졌지만 배고픔에 먹어보자하고 들렸는데 아주 놀란 경험을 했습니다. Addicted 버거 (9.60 유로), 고구마 튀김(4.30 유로)과 닭 날개 튀김 (6.80 유로)을 주문 했습니다. 버거 고기는 알맞게 구워졌고, 고구마 튀김은 아삭아삭한게 좋았고 닭 날개 튀김은 아주 맛있게 먹었습니다. 꼭 들려 보세요.
It started to rain in the evening and we wanted the hot soup for the dinner. We have found an Asian restaurant with soup on their menu, but it was closed. Then, we tried a ramen place across street, but they told us that it would be at least 30 minute wait even though the place was absolutely empty. Even though we heard about the difficulty getting a table without the reservation in the European restaurants, it was a surprise without any customers in the place. We found then the Addicted to Rock at the corner of the street from the ramen place. We hesitated a little since we weren't quite sure about the food from bar/restaurant, but out hunger overcame the worries. And it was a delight surprise. We tried Addicted Burger (€ 9.60), Sweet Potato (€ 4.30) and Voslauer Wings (€ 6.80). The meat for burger was cooked perfectly, the fried was crispy and chicken wings were delicious. We highly recommend the place.
식당에 결려 있던 재미 있는 사진/A humorous picture on the wall of restaurant.
저녁 먹고 호텔로 가는 길에 귀여운 수공예품들이 전시되어있기에 찰칵 했는데 나중에 알고보니 지금은 문을 닫고 박물관으로 사용되지만 꽤 유명했던 수공예품 가게 이었더군요.
We found this small store on the way to the hotel after dinner. The craft items displayed in the window was very delicate and beautiful. We later found that this store was well known in Europe for their handicraft. The store is closed, but is being used as the museum.
Previous Article (이전 글):
비엔나에서 두째날 쇤부룬 궁전 방문기.
Visit Schonbrunn Palace during the second day in Vienna.
Next article (다음글)
비엔나에서 잘츠부르크로 이동하는 날/Travel to Salzburg from Vienna