We started early today to maximize our time in Prague after a simple breakfast utilizing the kitchen at AirBnb. The Old Town Square was deserted and it was all by ourselves. It was a day of self guided walking tour starting from Old Town square and ending at the Old Town Square.
Jan Hus monument (얀 후스 동상)
구시가지 광장 한가운데 있는 얀 후스 동상은 1915 년에 제일 마지막으로 이 광장에 추가된 동상입니다. 얀 후스는 독일의 루터보다도 100년 앞서 종교 개혁을 시작한 체코 역사상 제일 중요한 인물 중의 한 사람이며 이단자라고 화형을 당했습니다.
라디슬라프 살로운이 제작했고 1903년에 시작하여 안 후스 죽음에 500년 되던 해인 1915년 7월 6일에 비공식적으로 공개 되었습니다. 기념비에는 얀 후스 동상 뿐아니라 체코 사람들의 조각이 함께 있습니다. 얀 후스는 1419년 부터 1621년까지 후스파의 거점이었던 틴 성모 교회를 바라 보고 있고 주위에는 후스 전사들과 1620 년 보헤미안 반란 후 조국을 떠나야 했던 사람들의 조각입니다.
Jan Hus monument in the middle of the Old Town Square is the latest additions to the square erected in 1915. The reformer Jan Hus (John Huss) is one of the most important personalities in Czech history. A hundred years before the Protestant Reformation was started by Martin Luther, Jan Hus was burnt as a heretic for reformist ideas.
Karls statue (카를 동상)
구시가지 다리 탑 옆에 있는 십자가 기사 광장 (Krizovnicke Namesti)에 서 있는 카를 4세 동상입니다. 체코 공화국에서 “나라의 아버지 (father of country)”라고 불릴 만큼 역사상 가장 중요한 사람들 중에 한사람입니다. 카를 통치 시대가 프라하와 보헤미아의 황금시간 이었으며 프라하가 로마 제국과 전 유럽의 실질적인 수도였습니다.
Charles IV Statue is located at Knights of the Cross Square (Krizovnicke Namesti) next to the Old Town Bridge Tower (Staromestska Mostecka Vez) and the Old Town end of Charles Bridge(Karluv Most). In the Czech Republic, he is considered one of the most important persons in Czech history (if not the one most important – he is often called the father of the country) and the period of his reign is considered the Golden era of Prague and Bohemia, as Prague was virtually the capital of Holy Roman Empire and big part of Europe at that time.
Charles IV Statue is located at Knights of the Cross Square (Krizovnicke Namesti) next to the Old Town Bridge Tower (Staromestska Mostecka Vez) and the Old Town end of Charles Bridge(Karluv Most). In the Czech Republic, he is considered one of the most important persons in Czech history (if not the one most important – he is often called the father of the country) and the period of his reign is considered the Golden era of Prague and Bohemia, as Prague was virtually the capital of Holy Roman Empire and big part of Europe at that time.
The Charles Bridge (카를교)
Tower Hour: 10 A - 6 P (Nov - Feb), 10 A - 8 P (Mar), 10 A - 10 P (Apr - Sep), 10 A - 8 P (Oct)
Fee for tower: CZK 100
Fee for tower: CZK 100
Time to spend: 1.0 Hour
Charles Bridge/카를교 |
프라하 구시가에서 레서 타운 (말라 스트라나) 지역에 있는 왕궁으로 가기 위해 블타바 강을 건너야 할 다리가 카를교입니다. 프라하에서 가장 오래된 카를교는 카를 4세의 명에 따라 1357년에 만들기 시작하여, 1402년에 완공되었습니다. 블타바 강 주위에는 카를교 이외에도 여러개의 다리가 존재하지만, 역사가 깊고 종교적인 의미와 행운을 가져다 준다는 이유로 많은 관광객들이 찾는 장소입니다. 17세기에 30 개의 바로크 양식의 조각들이 다리 양쪽에 세워졌고 다리 양쪽 끝에는 타워가 있습니다.
The Charles Bridge over the River Vltava connects Old Town (Staré Mesto) and Prague Castle in Lesser Town (Malá Strana). The bridge is the oldest in Prague and is commissioned by King Charles IV in 1357, completed in 1402. There are number of other bridges over the River Vltava, but it is most visited bridge by tourists for its history, religious significance and for luck. Thirty Baroque statues added in the 17th century line the sides of the bridge along and there are towers at each end of bridge.
Statuary of the Madonna and St. Bernard (성모 마리아와 성 베르나르 조각상)구시가지 쪽 교탑에서 오른쪽 첫번째 있는 동상이 성모 마리아와 성 베르나르 조각상 입니다.
마태 바츨라프 자켈이 1709년에 만든 조각상이며 한 가운데 성모 마리아가 아기 예수를 팔에 안고 있다. 오른 쪽에 시토 수도회 창시자인 성 배르나르가 무릎을 꿇고 성모 마리아를 처다보고 있고 왼쪽에는 예수 그리스도의 고난의 상징인 십자가, 사도 요한이 예수 그리스도를 세번 부인할 때 울었던 닭, 예수 그리스도의 얼굴이 찍인 스카프들이 조각되어있다.
The first one on the right looking from the Old Town Bridge Tower is Statuary of the Madonna and St. Bernard.
The statuary was created by Matěj Václav Jäckel in 1709 and the Virgin Mary holds the baby Jesus in her arms in the middle of the statuary. A kneeling St. Bernard, the founder of the Cistercian Order, is looking up to her on her right and, on the left, there are angels holding the cross which is the symbol of Jesus Christ’s suffering, and a rooster that crowed three times when Apostle Peter denied Christ, a veraicon (a miraculous imprint of Christ’s face in Veronica’s scarf).
When you stand next to Statue of John the Baptist, it is the photo opp for the Prague Castle with the spires of St. Vitus Cathedral in the middle.
Statue of St John Nepomuk (성 존 네포묵 조각상)
카를교에서 유명한 조각상들 중의 하나가 조각상입니다. 이 조각상은 구시가지 쪽 교탑에서 오른쪽 여덟번째 있는 동상입니다. 쉽게 알아 볼 수 있는 것은 조각상 아래 쪽에 반짝 반짝 빛나는 금 색갈의 지점입니다.
One of the most popular statue on Charles Bridge is the Statue of St John Nepomuk (also referred to as Jan Nepomucky). It is the 8th statue on the right hand looking from the Old Town Bridge Tower. An easier way to identify it is by the shiny-like-gold spot on the bottom of the statue.
전설에 의하면 존 네포묵은 바츨라프 4세 때 프라하의 수호 성인이였습니다. 왕비가 고해성사를 하였는데 불행하게도 왕은 의심이 많은 사람이었습니다. 왕은 네포묵에게 고해성사 내용을 대라고 압박하였지만 네포묵은 아무리 왕이지만 비밀을 말 할 수 없다고 거절했습니다. 결국 네포묵은 다리 위에서 블타바 강에 던저져 익사 했습니다.
Legend has it John of Nepomuk was a priest in Prague under King Wenceslas IV (son of Charles IV). The Queen made a confession to John of Nepomuk. Unfortunately for him, the King being a very suspicious man, pressed John of Nepomuk for the Queen’s confessions which John of Nepomuk would not reveal, not even to the King, because it would be against his commitment of confidentiality. John of Nepomuk was therefore executed by being thrown into the Vltava River from the bridge and drowned.
존 네포묵 조각상의 어디를 만져야 행운이 오나?
존 네포묵 조각상에 있는 판은 지난 몇 세기 동안 많은 사람들이 만져 윤이 나도록 반짝 거립니다. 전설에 의하면 성 존 네포묵이 다리에서 던져진 그림이 그려진 동판을 문지르면 언젠가 프라하로 돌아 온다고 합니다. 그 옆에는 왕비와 개의 그림이 그려져 있는 반짝이는 동판이 있는데 특별한 뜻은 없다고 합니다.
What to touch on statue of John of Nepomuk for luck?
The plaque on the statue of John of Nepomuk had been polished to a shine by many people who had touched it over the centuries. Tradition says that if you rub the bronze plaque (the one depicting St John Nepomuk being thrown off the bridge), you will one day return to Prague. However, there is another plaque beside it depicting a dog and woman (the Queen) – which is just as shiny but yet have no special meaning.
성 존 네포묵의 무덤은 성 비트수 대성당에 있습니다.
St. John of Nepomuk's Tomb is in St Vitus Cathedral.
Statuary of St. John of Matha, St. Felix of Valois and St. Ivan (마타의 성 요한, 발루아의 성 펠릭스, 이반 동상)
The Statuary of the Trinitarians is the fourteenth one on the left looking from the Old Town Bridge Tower. It was created by Ferdinand Maxmilián Brokof in 1714 to honor the two founders of the Trinitarian Order that specialized in buying and setting free Christian slaves captured by the Muslims. St. Ivan, the saint patron of Slavs was added to the group for unknown reasons. The base depicts a cave in which three chained Christians are praying to the Lord for salvation.
다리에서 결혼 화보를 찍으러 온 커플. Couple taking the wedding pictures at the bridge
The bridge may have the history behind it, but it was less than spectacular bridge even though the statues were interesting.. Maybe our expectation was too high. We did not have to fight the crowd and vendors with the early morning visit. We were told that the view from the bridge at night is beautiful, but we did not have the time to visit again.
John Lennon Wall (존 레논 벽)
After the murder of John Lennon on 8 December 1980, an image of Lennon was painted on a wall in a secluded square opposite the French embassy along with political graffiti and occasionally Beatles lyrics. The monastery owns the wall, but it became a political focus for Prague youth who was longing for freedom under the communism. They attempted repeatedly to keep the original wall, but what’s left is the intention.
Church of Our Lady Victorious (Infant Jesus of Prague)(승리의 성모 성당 - 프라하의 아기 예수)
Hours: 8:30 A - 7 P except Sun (8 P)
Fee: voluntary
Church of Our Lady Victorious/승리의 성모 성당 |
This Early Baroque building, dating back to 1611, was rebuilt from 1634 to 1669 by the Carmelite order. There are different stories how the Infant Jesus of Prague came to Prague, but it was brought to Prague as the wedding present from Spain. The Infant Jesus has two crowns and about forty-six robes. His vestments are traditionally changed about ten times a year according to the liturgical season. Everyday hundreds of believers pay a visit to this shrine to pray and make wishes hoping that they will come true. This church is active parish and please mindful of their mass time before your visit.
Hour: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily (until 4 p.m. from November to February)
Fee: CZK 70/Adult
레서 타운 (말라 스트라나) 지역에 있는 성 니콜라스 교회 (구시가에 있는 성 미쿨라셰 성당과 혼동하지 마세요)는 프라하에서 가장 유명한 바로크 양식의 교회입니다. 이 교회는 건축물로써 탁월할 뿐아니라 얀 루카스 크래커의 벽화와 70 미터 높이의 돔에 그려진 벽화 등 실내 장식도 잘 알려져 있습니다. 푸른 색 구리 지붕의 돔과 종탑은 오래 동안 프라하의 스카이 라인의 한 부분을 차지 하고 있습니다.
아름답게 장식된 교회 안을 둘러 보기에는 약간의 입장료는 아깝지가 않았습니다. 좀 더 구경할 시간이 있어스면하는 생각이 들더군요. 다만 내부 수리로 비계를 세워 놓아 실내 전부를 들러 볼수가 없었습니다.
Located in Lesser Town (Malá Strana), the St. Nicholas Church (not to be confused with the Church of St. Nicholas in Old Town Square) is the most famous Baroque church in Prague. The church excels not only in the architecture, but also in the decoration, mainly with the frescos by Jan Lukas Kracker and a fresco inside the 70 m high dome by František Xaver Palko. St. Nicholas Church’s iconic green dome and bell tower has long been part of Prague’s historic skyline.
The small admission fee is well worth fort the beautiful interiors and we wish we had time to stay longer. However, the viewing of interior is limited with scaffolding for the renovation.
프라하 길거리에서 본 것들. Other things we saw in Prague streets.
이상하게 색칠한 자동차들이 있는데 자동차 회사와 차종을 가리고 시운전 하는 것이라고하네요.
We have seen the cars painted in unusual way on the street. They say it is to test the new cars without revealing the car company and model.
세상을 원상 복귀 시키기 원하면 이 단추를 누르라고 하네요.
It says to press the button if you want to reset the world.
Previous article (이전글):
Europe: 7 Cities in 23 Days- Day 1 (유럽: 23일 동안 7 도시 방문 - 첫날)
Next Article (다음 글):
오후에 프라하에서 들린 곳들입니다.
It covers the places we visited in the afternoon in Prague.