Thursday, March 5, 2015

California - Los Angeles Asian Restaurant - 3 (켈리포니아 L A 식당 3편)

(Scroll down to read in English)
LA 를  다시 방문 했을 때 들린 한식, 중식, 일식, 양식, 빵집 등 식당들을 추가 하거나 전에 들렸던 집들은 빠뀐 것들을  올립니다. 참고가 되었으면 합니다. (Restaurants we visited during our last visit to Los Angeles, California. They include Korean, Chinese, Japanese, American and Bakery. It is updated with new restaurants we tried and reviews for the restaurants we revisited.)

*Jin Heung Ghak (진흥각): 3250 W Olympic Blvd LA CA 90006
Korean Plaza

왕만두 (9블, 세금 포함) 광고를 보고 들렸는데 먹어 본 왕만두 중에서 그 중 먹을만 했습니다. 점심을 먹은 후라 다른 음식은 먹어 보지 못해 모르겠고요.

*Chung Ki Wa (청기와): 3545 W Olympic Blvd Los Angeles CA 90019

이번에는 갈비 칡 냉면 콤비 (19불 99)와 회냉면 (11불 99)을 먹었습니다. 갈비는 고기가 너무 질겼는데 냉면은 맛있게 먹었네요. 회냉면은 아주 맛 있었는데 약간 더 매우면 더 좋았을 것 같군요. 육계장 (13불 7전, 세금 포함)은 싸가지고 왔는데 먹을만해요. 다음에는 이곳에 소문난 갈비탕과 비빔밥을 먹어 볼 예정입니다.

*Jopok Toppoki (K-town) (조폭 떡볶기) : 3407 W 6th St Los Angeles CA 90020

한국 홍대 앞에 있는 유명한 집이 이곳에 개업하였다고 하여 들렸습니다. 점심 시간이 조금 지난 시간이라 떡볶이 (6불 99)와 수제튀김 (9불 99)만을 주문했습니다. 이제 한국 입맛과 저희들의 입맛이 틀려서인지 떡볶이는 너무 달고 수제튀김은 튀김 겁질이 바삭바삭하지는 못하고 질기기까지 한 것이 너무 엉망이었습니다. 분위기가 젊은 사람들 좋아할 둣하고 소문 탓에 한번은 들려보세요.

*Mandarin House (진흥각): 3074 W 8th St LA 90005

짜루에 드렸는데 문을 닫았다고 하여 몰에서 일하시는 분께 여쮜었더니 진흥각을 추천해서 들렸습니다. 주차장이 작아 주차하는 것이 힘들 수가 있습니다. 운이 좋아 길거리 파킹 장소를 빨리 찾으시면 다행이고요. 점심 시간에 들렸는데 무슨 이유인지는 몰라도 손님들 중에 나이 많은 분들이 많은 것이 신기하든군요,

간짜장 (6불 95전)은 기름기는 적었지만 아무 맛이 없는 것이 다시는 먹을 것 같지 않습니다. 깐풍 새우 (7불 99전/점심 스페셜, 16불95전/저녁)는 가격에 비해 맛이 괜찮았습니다. 대체적으로 가격이 싼 편이라 잘한다는 짬뽕과 탕수육 평가겸 지나가는 갈이면 다시 한번 들릴 것 같읍니다.

나중에 들은 것인데 이곳이 본점이라고 하네요.

*Young King (연경): 3100 W Olympic Blvd  Los Angeles 90006
짜장면 (6불95전). 탕수육(꼭 한국식을 시키십시오) (14불95전), 새우 깐풍기 (16불95전)은 여전히 맛있네요.

*O Tohu House (오 순두부): 16904 Devonshire St Granada Hills CA

추가: 만두 순두부(10블 50)와 감자 고로케는 맛이 없었는데 순두부 집에서 돌솥 비빔밥은 도리혀 맛있게 먹었음. 조기 콤보(16불 99)는 원하시면. 김치는 아직 맛이 괜찮아요.

식당 이름이 말하듯이 이 집은 여러 종류의 순두부 찌게 (8불95전)를 파네요. 매운 정도는 입맛에 따라 주문할 수 있는데 저희는 생 겨란을 얹은 해산물 순두부 찌게와 돼지 만두 순두부 찌게를 먹었는데 최상은 아니지만 꽤 괜찮다고 생각했습니다. 돌솥 비빔밥 (13불95전)은 보통 정도네요.

돼지 보쌈 (23불)은 맛이 괜찮았는데 고기가 저희입에는 좀  말랐습니다. 돌솥에 잡곡밥이 나왔는데 누릉지로 먹기에는 좋았는데 밥할 때 물을 조금 더 넣으면 좋았을 것합니다. 다른 반찬들은 아주 맛있었고요 그 중에서도 김치가 마주 맛있었습니다. 빈대떡은 별로 였구요.

식당이 새로 문을 열었는지 깨끗했고요 실내 장식은 현대적으로 꾸몄더군요. 금요일 저녁에 들렸지만 분비지 않았고 서비스도 필요한 것들을 제때 제때 주었습니다. 식당이 쇼핑몰에 있어 주차는 어렵지 않습니다.

저희들이 최근에 고바우를 들리지 않지만 보쌈은 고바우가 제일 잘하는 것 같읍니다.

*BCD Tohu House (Saticoy and Zelzha): 아직 이식당은 들리지 못했지만 O Tohu House와 비슷하다고하네요. 불평은 불친절하고 맛이 전 같지 않다고 하네요.

*Hangari Bajirak Kalgooksoo:
3470 W 6th St LA CA 90020

칼국수는 테이크-아웃이 안된다고하여 주문을 못했습니다. 산채 비빔밥은 꽤 맛있게 먹었는데 만두는 먹어본 사람들의 의견이 모두 달랐습니다.

*Bento Area:
14851 Victory Blvd, Van Nuys, CA 91411

LA에 늦은 밤에 도착해 저녁 먹을 곳을 찾던 중 이 곳에 들렸습니다. 주로 테이크 아웃을 하는 식당이더군요.

저희들이 주문한 것은 돼지고기 볶음, Kong Pao Chicken, 튀김 우동, 새우 채소 튀김 이었습니다. 돼지고기 볶음은 별로였는데, Kong Pao Chicken, 튀김 우동, 새우 채소 튀김은 먹을만 했습니다.

*Musashi Japanese Cuisine (무사시 일본 식당): 19713 Rinaldi St Porter Ranch CA 91326

먹어본 지피, 히어로와 치라시 스시 중에서는 히어로가 제일 괜찮았는데 다른 것들은 고유 스시와 중국 부페집 스시 중간 정도되네요. 템부라 콤보는 먹을만은 했습니다. 그러나 음식 장식은 괜찮은 편이었습니다. 저희가 들렸을 때는 막 문을 연 후라서인지 서비스는 좋았습니다. 정말 스시가 먹고 싶은데 이 식당 근처에 있다면 들려 보십시오. 노스릿지 부근에 두 곳데 더 있습니다.

*Nijiya Market
2130 Sawte Le Blvd West LA CA 90025

이곳은 일본 마켙인데요 간단히 점심 먹기에는 좋은 곳이네요. 비싼 식당과 비교할 수는 없지만 꽤 괜찮은 곳이네요.

감자 크로켓 (Potato Croquette, 1불50전)과 해산물 빈대떡 (Jumbo Kaisen Seafood Pancake)은 맛있게 먹었습니다. 생선 덥밥 (HiHama Suri Wagashi, 6불95전)과 스시 드레곤 롤 (Dragon roll, 12불 95전)은 먹을만 했습니다.

*Porto's Bakery& Cafe
3614 W Magnolia Blvd Burbank, CA 91505

아침에 버밴크 공황에서 친구를 만나서 가까우면서도 평이 아주 좋은 이 식당을 들리기로 했습니다.

친구와 함께 주문해서 시식을 해 본 음식들입 니다. Guava Strudel ($0.78)(good), Quava 치즈 ($0.80) Cheese Roll ($0.75), Potato Ball ($0.98) (excellent), Croqueta De pollo ($0.98)(excellent), Mango Mousse ($3.15)(better), Italian Cheesecake ($3.15), Chorizo pie ($1.15) double Cortadito ($2.39)(not a coffee drinker)

메뉴가 너무 다양한 것이 초보자에게는 좀 당황 스러웠지만 저희들이 주문한 음식들은 대부분 맛있었습니다. 근처에 있으면 다시 올 것 같네요. 토요일 아침 10시였지만 주문하느라 줄 슨 사람들이 꽤나 많았습니다. 그러나 한 20분 기다려 주문을 할 수 있었습니다. 차킹장이 건물 옆에 있는데 식사 시간 때는 주차하는데 문제가 있을 것 같읍니다.

*Paris Baguette:
3470 W 6th St LA, CA 90020

애플 파이 (1불 90전)은 맛이 없고요 녹차빵 (2불10전)은 녹차 맛도 없는 것이 무슨 맛인지 모르겠더군요. 그러나 단감자 파이 (1불90전)은 그런대로 괜찮았습니다.

*Its Boba Time (보바 타임) 3450 W 6th St, LA 90020

두번째 들렸을 때 이 집 특별 과일 빙수 (5불 50전)를 주문했는데 팥빙수보다 못하던군요. 그냥 팥빙수를 시킬 것 후회했습니다. 저희들 기대가 너무 컸었나요. 또 한가지는 상점마다 질이 틀리지않나하는 생각도 들더군요.

 *Dulcis Bakery House (둘시스 제과) 3450 W 6th St LA 90020

전에는 가격도 싸고 맛있었는데 이번 방문에서는 실망했습니다. 맛이 전보다 훨씬 못해졌드군요.

켈리포니아 LA식당 1편:
California - Los Angeles Asian Restaurant -1 (켈리포니아 L A 식당 1편)

켈리포니아 LA식당 2편:
California - Los Angeles Asian Restaurant 2 (켈리포니아 L A 식당 2)

켈리포니아 LA식당 4편:
California - Los Angeles Korean/Asian Restaurant - 4 (켈리포니아 L A 한식당/동양음식 맛집 4편)

Restaurants we visited during our last visit to Los Angeles, California. They include Korean, Chinese, and Bakery.

*Jin Heung Ghak(진흥각): 3250 W Olympic Blvd LA CA 90006
Korean Plaza

We stopped at this place when we saw the ad for the king-sized dumpling. The dumpling ($9 w/ tax) was the best we had in LA. We were just too full to try other dishes.

*Chung Ki Wa (청기와): 3545 W Olympic Blvd Los Angeles CA 90019

At this visit, we ordered Galbi + Chick NaengMyun combo ($19.99) and Hwe NaengMyun ($11.99). The meat on Galbi was tough, but Naeng Myun was good. Hwe NaengMyun was excellent, but it could be a little hotter. We ordered Hwe NaengMyun ($13.07 w/ tax) as take out and it was good. We may try their well known Gal Bi Tang and Bi-Bim-Bob on our next visit.

*Jopok Toppoki (K-town) (조폭 떡볶기) : 3407 W 6th St Los Angeles CA 90020

We heard this restaurant is the same as the famous restaurant in front of HongIk University in Korea. Since we already had a lunch, we ordered Topokki ($6.99) and Homemade Fried ($9.99). Topokki was too sweet for our taste and Homemade Fried was terrible. The batter should be crispy, but it was like eating rubber batter. Maybe our taste bud has changed and different from the today's korean taste. I think the restaurant was intended for the younger generation, but you may try it at least once.

*Mandarin House (진흥각): 3074 W 8th St LA 90005

We were looking for JJaru restaurant, but the security told us that it was closed and recommended Mandarin House. The parking lot is very small and it may just easier to look for the street parking. When we stopped for the lunch, one thing we noticed was that most of customers were elders. Not sure what it means.

We ordered Seafood Black Bean Noodle ($6.95) and Fried Shrimp with Spicy Source ($7.99). Black Bean Noodle was less greasy, but just bland. Fried Shrimp with Spicy Source as lunch special was very good for the price. If we are near by, we may try the place again for Spice Noodle Soup and Sweet & Sour Pork,

We found out later that this place is the original Mandarin House (진흥각).

*Young King (연경): 3100 W Olympic Blvd  Los Angeles 90006
Jja-Jang-Myun ($6.95). Korean style Sweet & sour pork ($14.95), Fried shrimp with sweet and spicy source ($16.95) are still the best in LA.

*O Tohu House (오 순두부): 16904 Devonshire St Granada Hills CA

Update: Dumpling Tofu ($10.50) and Potato Coroquette wasn't any special. For the Tofu house, Hot Stone Bibimbap combo ($18.99) was rather surprise. We enjoyed the dish. If you are craving, you may try Yellow Corrina Tofu Combo($16.99). Kimchi is still taste good.

As the name of restaurant reflects, they have number of different versions of tohu soup ($8.95) which can be ordered with different level of hotness (spicy). We have tried Seafood Tohu and Pork Dumpling Tohu, and they were good, but not excellent. An uncooked egg is also served. Stone Pot Bi-Bim-bap ($13.95) was average.

Pork Bossam (cabbage wrap with pork, $23) was tasty, but it could have been better if the pork was a little less dry. Radish white rice or multi grain rice is served in the stone bowl and eat nurungi (scorched rice). But, the rice should have a little more water while cooked. Some of side dishes (BanChan) are excellent, especially Kimchi. But Bib-Deh-Dduk (pancake) wasn't that good.

The restaurant looks relatively new and clean and the decor is more contemporary.The place wasn't busy on Friday evening and the service was prompt.  The parking is not a problem since it is in the mall.

We have not tried Kobawoo House recently, but our taste memory says that the Bossam at Kobawoo was better.

*BCD Tohu House (Saticoy and Zelzha): We have not yet tried this place, but a lot of reviewers compare this place with O Tohu House. The most complaints of reviewers were the service and the quality wasn't good as before at this restaurant.

*Hangari Bajirak Kalgooksoo:
3470 W 6th St LA CA 90020

Since they don't take the take-out order for Kalgooksoo, we tried Vegi Bi-Bim-Bob and it was very good. There were many different opinions on dumpling.

*Bento Area:
14851 Victory Blvd, Van Nuys, CA 91411

Since we arrived late at LA and were looking for the place to eat, we found this place on the way to the hotel. It is mainly take-out restaurant.

We ordered the Stir Fried Pork, Kong Pao Chicken, Deep Fried Vegetable Udon and Shrimp Vegetable Tempura. The Stir Fried Pork needed a lot of improvement, but Kong Pao Chicken, Deep Fried Vegetable Udon and Shrimp Vegetable Tempura were OK.

*Musashi Japanese Cuisine (무사시 일본 식당): 19713 Rinaldi St Porter Ranch CA 91326

Among GP, Hero and Chirashi Sushi we tried, Hero was the best. The others are somewhere between authentic sushi and Chinese buffet style sushi. Tempura Combo was average. However, the presentation was better than average. Since we were among the first group of guests after they open for the business, the service wasn't a problem. If you really need to satisfy the sushi craving and are near this place, you may try this place. There are two other Musashi restaurants in the Northridge area.

*Nijiya Market
2130 Eawte Le Blvd West LA CA 90025

This is a Japanese market, but a good place to have a quick lunch. You can not compare it with the high end of restaurants, but it was more than a decent place.

We liked the Potato Croquette ($1.50) and Jumbo Kaisen Seafood Pancake, but HiHama Suri Wagashi ($6.95) and Dragon roll ($12.95) were just OK.

*Paris Baguette
3470 W 6th St LA, CA 90020

Apple pie ($1.90) was less than average and Green Pea Pastry ($2.10) was bland without any taste of green tea. Sweet Potato Pie ($1.90) was good.

*Porto's Bakery& Cafe
3614 W Magnolia Blvd Burbank, CA 91505

We had to pick a friend at the Burbank airport one early morning and decided to try this place since it has excellent reviews.

We ordered Guava Strudel ($0.78)(good), Quava Cheese ($0.80) Cheese Roll ($0.75), Potato Ball ($0.98) (excellent), Croqueta De pollo ($0.98)(excellent), Mango Mousse ($3.15)(better), Italian Cheesecake ($3.15), Chorizo pie ($1.15) double Cortadito ($2.39)(not a coffee drinker)

It was a little overwhelming for the first timer with so many choices, but we enjoyed the food and we will try it again. The line at the ordering line was long even at 10 AM on Saturday. But, the line moved fast enough and our wait time was about 20 minutes. The parking lot is next to the building, but it could be a problem when the place is busy.

*Its Boba Time (보바 타임) 3450 W 6th St, LA 90020

On our second visit, we ordered House Special Shaved Ice ($5.50) and it was a little disappointing. It tasted like it is lacking something. Maybe we expected more from this place. We should stay with the usual, Shaved Ice with the sweetened red bean. I am also not sure if it is the quality control problem among the stores.

*Dulcis Bakery House (둘시스 제과) 3450 W 6th St LA 90020

Their bread was very tasty and cheaper than other bakeries, but it was disappointment. Their bakery items weren't as tasty as before.

The first article on Asian restaurants in Los Angeles, California:
California - Los Angeles Restaurant -1 (켈리포니아 L A 식당 1편)

Second article on the Asian restaurants in Los Angeles, California:
California - Los Angeles Restaurant 2 (켈리포니아 L A 식당 2편)

Forth article on the Asian restaurants in Los Angeles, California:
California - Los Angeles Korean/Asian Restaurant - 4 (켈리포니아 L A 한식당/동양음식 맛집 4편)